samedi 4 juin 2011

real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos

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  • Benjy91
    Apr 28, 08:26 PM
    So Samsung believed Apple was violating it's patents all this time but decided to do nothing about it. Now that they have been pushed they decide to act. Sounds to me they are trying to find whatever they can to bite back at Apple.

    Most companies infringe on each others patents, but dont tend to act when a company infringes on theirs, because they know they're infringing on theirs too, or someone else's.

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 02:01 PM
    But where did you come up with 95%? This chart ( seems to disagree with you.

    You indicated that the rich weren't paying their 'fair share.' I responded by pointing out that the top 50% of wage earners pay 95% of the tax burden. That is completely separate (although obviously relative and related) from the tax 'rate' which they pay.

    Btw, post WWII, the top tax rates in this country used to be way up there, like 90%. That was fair imo because after you achieve so much income, how much more do you really need? What does it take to live comfortably- $1M per year, $5M? Shoot I'd be happy with $500k per year.

    Let me get this straight... your definition of 'fair' is that people who make the right decisions in life, who invest in the right ideas, who don't waste their money on immediate pursuits so they can benefit in the long-term, who work hard and earn success, and yes... have a little luck should have their money confiscated by the state? By mob rule? Since you've determined that 'they don't need it', that translates to them not 'deserving' it and you being able to steal it from them via taxation?

    Just trying to clarify... because that's a pretty striking morality scale. However, it's also very similar to something Michael Moore said recently (

    "They're sitting on the money, they're using it for their own -- they're putting it someplace else with no interest in helping you with your life, with that money. We've allowed them to take that. That's not theirs, that's a national resource, that's ours. We all have this -- we all benefit from this or we all suffer as a result of not having it," Michael Moore told Laura Flanders of GRITtv.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011.
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011.

  • BornToMac
    Sep 1, 05:46 AM
    Sticking with my Miami Heat summer theme, again:

    That guy better look out... It looks like that cloud is getting ready to rain on his head. ;)

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
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  • octatonic
    Apr 18, 06:24 AM
    This be mine.


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  • RollTide1017
    Apr 4, 11:54 AM
    I just want subscriptions on my iPad and the main point is, whether you agree or disagree with Apple's opt-in policy, this is still a major sticking point with many publications. Of all the magazine/newspaper apps I use on my iPad only 2 have adopted the new subscription policy. NYT was one of those but I deleted it because those prices were insane. I just want subscription options from Wired, Popular Mechanics and Sports Illustrated. I don't care about Apple's policy, I don't care if the publisher gets my info or not... I just want subscriptions!!!!!! I have stopped and will never pay another $5 per issue for anything on the iPad. Subscriptions or nothing!

    Apple + publishers - just get it worked out, I don't care how, just do it!

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. arcelona vs real madrid 27 04
  • arcelona vs real madrid 27 04

  • acfusion29
    Mar 26, 08:42 PM
    ya... that won't fly with PayPal, especially since he listed it under Cell Phones & PDAs > Other and not under art, or pictures.


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  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • nwmtnbiker
    May 6, 08:28 PM
    There are 36 Addons for Opennotifier in Cydia under Sections. Haven't looked through them…

    *Edit* Read your question wrong… Seems like there should be a way!

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  • quagmire
    May 5, 10:44 PM
    What kind of BMW do you recommend for a young bachelor business guy in a popular downtown location? I was thinking about the 3 series.

    335d because the diesel is awesome. :)


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  • lPHONE
    Jan 15, 01:33 PM
    i got a 2G :(

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
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  • Stella
    Apr 4, 11:17 AM
    Thank you, Apple, for weeding out the companies whose business model depends on selling my information to junk-mailers.

    This is the kind of 'crazy-Steve-Jobs-control' I can live with.

    Do you have any proof that FT actually does sell email addresses?

    Just because businesses wants your email doesn't equate to they'll sell your details...


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • MarkMS
    Apr 4, 12:01 AM
    Link to BG?

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. Real Madrid vs Barcelona
  • Real Madrid vs Barcelona

  • barnaby
    Nov 29, 11:41 PM
    You don't speak for the rest of us, and the studios aren't interested in what you have to say because they're not making any money off you.

    The entertainment industry "earns" it's money. Seeing a movie is one of the cheapest "nights out" you can find. If it wasn't entertaining, people wouldn't go. You get bad movies every now and then, but the good ones more than make up for it.

    As far as putting limitations on digital content, that's their right. It is _their_ content. If they make the wrong decision, they'll come around when someone smarter makes the right one.

    We're in the process right now of figuring out DRM. The problem is, copying any digital media doesn't remove detract from the original. There is no incentive to be fair. DRM puts incentive, mainly convenience, in being fair.
    When it matures, it will be convenient to consumers and inconvenient to pirates.

    The cries of the entertainment industry fall on pretty deaf ears in my house.

    Yes, I understand that Universal, Disney, et al, are businesses and survive by making money, but let's not loose sight of one very important fact:

    It's entertainment. It is not necessary to the functioning of our country, culture, or lives.

    Food is. But look how little farmers get paid.

    Medical care is. But look how so much of the money we (or insurance companies on our behalf) pay actually goes to a facilities' or a doctor's malpractice insurance, not to them.

    Education is. But look how poorly-prioritized education is in this country.

    Work experience is, as a function of how it impacts one's ability to function competently and thereby either retain a job or to acquire a better one. But it's treated just as poorly as education.

    Entertainment is NOT. As a consequence, I don't plan for, nor do I budget for, any kind of entertainment concern.

    IF, and ONLY IF, there's a movie out that I really want to see, will I go to the theater to see it. And on average I probably go to a theater once a year.

    The very notion of licensing when it comes to anything other than a business deal or proposition is disgusting to me. I am not against the principle of intellectual property, but I abhor how the concept is realized in our society.

    I own probably something like 10 movies' worth of DVDs, and maybe 5 TV series' worth of DVDs. I think the last DVD I bought was The Incredibles, and that was to show my support for something I found to be superbly entertaining, and have watched multiple times.

    Most of the movies that I've acquired by "other means" I've pitched after watching them because, upwards of 80% of those instances of acquisition were instances of the acquisition of crap. So regardless of whatever legal status those materials may have been presumed to possess by others, I no longer have them because, for free or for a fee, I don't want 'em.

    The number of times I feel like Bartleby The Scrivener (that is, the character Bartleby) on a regular basis is increasing, and that's due to the fact that I perceive society to be further and further askew from what I personally accept or agree with.

    And speaking of HDCP and other DRM, DMCA, etc...

    I refuse to accept any of that. I also refuse to accept that I'm either going to have to buy some sort of an adaptor, or buy a new TV, just for the "pleasure" of (what is for me) the infrequent habit of actually watching TV. Yes, I fully realize that means that, at some point, I'll turn on the TV and all I'll get is snow because there are no longer any broadcast standards that my living room TV is compatible with. And you know what I'll do when that day comes? I'll go ahead and cancel my minimum-basic-TV (approx. $13/month) service, leaving only cable modem service. I'm absolutely serious about this.

    Perhaps if more people were like me, we could affect some kind of change in the broadcast industry and in Hollywierd, but any kind of "coming together for common good over common consensus" is incredibly arduous at best, and impossible at worst.

    Besides, when it comes to myself and a significant other, I can absolutely find a whole lot of other things to do than simply sit down and watch the boob tube.


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011.
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011.

  • Franktv415
    Jun 23, 01:25 PM
    Anyone there Waiting in Line????

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011.
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  • mcrain
    Mar 2, 04:26 PM
    Personally, I think this thread is screwed unless it gets enough posts to start a new page so that the chart load can be skipped.
    I agree.


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • Jomskylark
    May 6, 06:45 PM

    For this upcoming Mother's Day I'd like to present her with a family photo, but overloaded with silly effects. Think clown nose, devil horns, and moustaches.

    Does anybody know of a good, free (or demo) app that can do this? I don't necessarily need those specific effects. Sorry for the short notice.


    PS. If nobody knows then I know of a couple iPhone apps that might be able to accomplish this, but I'd rather use my Mac.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • geese
    Mar 25, 05:50 AM
    Please delete.


    What is the best way of redirecting an RSS feed to a new location? I've tried replacing the contents of my XML file to this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • !� V �!
    Apr 27, 08:19 PM
    Waste of bandwidth. Move on. :apple:

    Considering the cell phone companies deploy a similar stance to locate people for emergency purposes and cell tower switching.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 photos. real madrid vs barcelona 2011.
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011.

  • Full of Win
    Apr 27, 12:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    We iPhone and 3G iPad owners are plenty upset by this as well.

    Well, to be fair, you express hate toward Apple constantly. And given the conspiracy ideas in your signature, you are plenty upset about lots of things in your life. So I would hardly consider you a typical case. Apple could offer free computers tomorrow and you'd instantly post a message expressing your hatred of Apple for doing that.

    I don't hate Apple, just many of the things they do. Most Apple products I love.

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  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • Much Ado
    Nov 20, 11:43 AM
    To be honest, it's only another iPhone rumor to add to the mix. The idea that Apple is ploughing ahead with new models is nice, but let's wait for v1.0 first before we start speculating about 'new' features.

    Apr 18, 03:17 AM
    Sometimes, I get bored/irritated with my wallpaper.

    This is one of those times. ( Forgot to bring the dock back up, but eh, still the same 2D dock.

    Oct 5, 05:05 PM
    Sounds good to me.

    I've been waiting for drag-and-drop tabs for awhile now.

    Feb 23, 06:44 PM
    Ah, I had not noticed that the songs were all 1 rec'ers.

    Jul 10, 05:16 PM

    Anyone meeting up at the O2 store or one CW's stores in Cardiff? :)

    Apr 7, 09:17 AM
    I keep getting the message "unable to find cellular network flashing on my phone almost every time I open up to create a text. It goes away after about a second and then I can write or read.
    This since 4.3.

    Anyone else?
    Also battery way down.

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